The Week: June 10, 2011

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Jun 10, 2011

It’s been a week.

I really don’t even know what to say other than that. I, the gal who always has plenty to say about virtually every topic (whether I have a clue of what I’m talking about or not), have been left utterly speechless by the events of the past few days. Since the Time article came out on Monday, I’ve seen a surge of traffic, comments, Twitter followers, and so many damn well wishes.

I have no words.

I mean, besides thank you.

And just to show  you all that the more things change, the more things say the same, here’s a list of time-wasters for your Friday. Enjoy. I’m off to Vancouver for the weekend, but I’ll be back on Monday, with more stories from London, New York, and Boston. I hope you’ll all join me.


Terrence Chang’s long-exposure photos of planes taking off at San Francisco airport are a quiet reminder than air travel really is magic (well, magic and physics, but still).


The entire collection of SNL Celebrity Jeopardy skits can now be found on Funny or Die. As someone who regularly uses the term “mongrel idiot” in polite conversation, I could not be more delighted.

The Colonel puts a secret ingredient in it that makes you crave it fortnightly.


Wait, wait, wait – ITALY HAS PIZZA VENDING MACHINES?! (Warning: if you are anything like me, you will watch that video with your mouth agape, and possibly drooling).


My morbid little brain loves this: Slate’s film death tournament uses brackets to let you figure out the best cinematic death scene of all time. Of course, they pale in comparison to my brother’s death scene in basically EVERY MOVIE HE’S EVER BEEN IN. But still.


A quote from my one of my idols, about the unexpected nature of life. Seemed fitting for this week.


I absolutely adore this.


A father waves goodbye to his son every morning while in costume. He chronicles the different outfits he uses to mortify said offspring on his blog.


The internet universe is finally catching on the awesomeness that is The Frogman. And it’s about damn time. Any guy who can make me giggle with abandon about ponies deserves all the success in the world.


Jamie Livingston took a photo every single day for 18 years, until his death. His story is beautiful and sad, and that a reminder that life is short – so take lots of pictures.


The creator of Mad Libs passed away this week (no, I’m not going to make the tired joke about how I am __________ to hear the news of this death. But yes, the New York Times writer who wrote the obituary did).


Stuff like this makes me wish that I still worked in a office with a supply closet I could raid. And also, it makes me wish that Star Wars series ended with Jedi.


Casey Neistat, A bicyclist in NYC is given a ticket for riding outside of the bike lane (which, by the way, isn’t illegal). His video response to the incident is painfully funny (as in, you’ll cringe).


Alrighty, that’s it for this week. See you on Monday!

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