New Design Up, Complete With Bugs!
I am truly excited to have the new site design up (it was created by the lovely and talented Kimberly Coles, who I highly recommend). There are currently a few bugs in the system that we are working through (a result of my dev team integrating WordPress with Kimberly’s design, which is a complicated process. Plus, since my dev team is in eastern Europe, we’ve been working around the time-change, to boot). So for a few days, things might look a little weird. I can assure you I’m acutely aware of the problems, and we’re working to fix it.
And the second things get normal, I will post some new entries.
In the meantime, here’s another cute bunny photo to tide you over.

He's so adorable, I no longer care that my analytics aren't reporting right.
Thanks for your patience, folks.
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