Dorks on Film
I become a huge, unmitigated dork whenever anyone points a camera at me.
Okay, fine: I’m a huge, unmitigated dork in most circumstances, and that includes when someone points a camera at me.

Often times, everyone else looks normal, and I look positively insane.
This was true even when I was a kid:
I can’t help it. I just get so darn excited when photos are being taken. Especially those absurdly cheesy photos they try to sell you at museums or tourist attractions. I positively love those.
In most of my photos with Rand, it looks like the poor guy is begrudgingly putting up with me.
Or that I’m accosting him in some way or another:
But lately, I’ve noticed a slight shift. When the camera is on him, I’ve found a bit of dorkiness peeking through.
To paraphrase Futurama, I’ve found that for once, he’s the one embarrassing me:
And honestly, I couldn’t be more proud.

Also pictured: Patrick, being a total goober.
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