New Blog Design Launching Soon

I have very exciting news. This week, we’ll be launching a new design on the blog. For those of you who are unaccustomed to change, my apologies. I know how you feel – I’ve gotten irrationally angry when my favorite TV shows changed their opening credits. I like things to stay the way they are.
But I’d outgrown the blog’s layout, and I wanted to add more features to the site (travel guides, easier-to-access archives, a call out for my book), and so a redesign was in order. Fortunately, the gentlemen I’ve been working with have made the entire process absurdly fun and easy.
The relaunch means the site might be offline a little later this week as my talented developer, Andy, fixes any bugs that may arise. It should only be temporary, and hopefully during evening hours. And don’t worry – the blog will still be a major component of this site, and all of the archives will remain up.
As has been the case for the last five plus years, there won’t be any ads, paid posts, or sponsorships (but I will have a page of products I love, which will include Amazon affiliate links. If you choose to purchase any of them via those links, I will receive a small commission. That’s the only way I intend to monetize my site for the foreseeable future).
I’m pretty darn excited. I hope you like the new look. In the meantime, here’s a peek at what you can expect. It’s an illustration of me done by my friend Derric, who redesigned the site:

You guys, he turned my acne into FRECKLES. #amazing
He does great work. I can’t wait to share the rest with you.