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You may have heard that spending time with someone from your youth will cause you to behave in much the same way you did when you two were close friends. If it’s a high school friend, you’ll act like high schoolers when you’re together, and the same is true of middle school and elementary school. Presumably friends from nursery school drool on themselves and pee their pants when they hang out together as adults.
The psychological phenomenon at play is called “associative regression”. But I prefer the term used on an episode of How I Met Your Mother: revertigo.
And, consequently, I feel that revertigo may have been at play when Katie, a friend of mine from middle school, and I spent a day together (along with Rand) in Los Angeles over the holidays.
The evidence:

"Quit taking photos of balls!"

I don't remember what was going on here, but the museum security guard appreciated it, I'm sure.

"Dude, I dare you to take a letter." "Shut up, you take one."

This is your boyfriend. AND HE HAS BOOBIES.

... and so does your mom.

We got the one on the left for your dad's birthday.
Fortunately, Rand was game. He observed the pre-requisite middle-schooler foot-of-space between boys and girls:

"As long as neither of us scoots any closer, it won't be weird ..."
And then he tried to touch stuff that was out of reach (insert boobie joke here):
All in all? Best. Fieldtrip. Ever.
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