Using a camera in the rain.
Don’t get your camera wet.
These seems to be a fairly obvious rule, right? I can do that, can’t I? And yet, aren’t the simplest rules the hardest ones to follow? There were only three rules to taking care of a Mogwai, and none of them were that complicated, but look how that turned out.
So even when it started raining at Machu Picchu, and folks pulled out all kinds of covers and gear to keep their cameras dry, I kept snapping away. I’m pleased to say that no evil little cameras were spawned from my larger one.
I’ve been told that rain on your lens ruins your photos. From a professional’s standpoint, that’s probably true. But I’m not a professional, so I don’t have to worry about things like that.

More of this nonsense. You might be used to it by now.

Ugh. We're pretty nauseating. Pretty sure that's what the guys behind us were thinking.

What? I LIKE weird blotches on my man's face.
To be honest, I kind of liked how these photos turned out – splotches of rain and all. It feels more realistic. After all, who hasn’t had an amazing trip dampened by a downpour or two? It’s just how things go. It doesn’t mean you should stop having fun … and you absolutely shouldn’t stop taking photos.
(Note: no cameras were damaged in the creation of this post.)
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