WTF Weds: Kurtis. Being Kurtis.
Going through my photos from South Africa, I noticed that a large number of them featured our friend Kurtis. Sometimes this was intentional. Other times, it was not:
A few photos were staged, of course, and they are not without their merits:
Others weren’t quite planned. I’d just been taking a photo of a group, or of the scenery, and it wasn’t until later that I noticed Kurtis’ expression.
A few of these photos were unnerving.
This one in particular creeped me out.

I am delighted to say that I still managed to nab a few really nice photos of him and his lovely fiancee Courtney.

Yes, he is wearing a t-shirt on his head. Whatever. It’s still adorable.
Gorgeous, right? Don’t worry. His composure was short-lived:

I cannot WAIT to see their wedding photos.
Which is fine, since I’m fairly sure none of us would have it any other way.
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