Category: Advice

February 15th: The most romantic night, ever.

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Feb 15, 2011

Dinner reservations have been made. I rummaged through my closet, pulled out an array of dresses, tossed half of them back in, pulled out some different ones, and think I finally decided on an outfit. Later, I’ll start the 2-6 hour depilatory process required of all Italian women before going out on a date. Because…

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Unhappy with your hotel room? Grab your camera.

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Feb 14, 2011

The nice thing about the amount that Rand and I travel is that it’s made me less fussy about things. No, really. It has. What? Why are you laughing? I’m serious. I’m far less picky and difficult about things. STOP LAUGHING. Okay, okay, fine – I’m still difficult about some things. Certain members of my…

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Getting to downtown Sofia: Part 2

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Jan 26, 2011

I feel like, in my honest account of Sofia, I’ve been a bit hard on the town. This was not my intention. But whenever a tourist walks through a city, the town is laid bare: all of the good and bad it has to offer can be seen. The locals simply shrug off the negative…

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