Tag: Air Travel

My Bathroom Reveals That Jet Lag = Drunk.

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Jun 16, 2013

Observation: being jet lagged isn’t that radically different from being drunk. Your short term memory suffers, you find yourself in dire need of a sandwich and a shower (and briefly consider how you might tackle both simultaneously), and you litter your home with random articles of clothing. Behold: –

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The Ten Commandments of Air Travel

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Sep 18, 2012

(This is no doubt going to piss some people off. Oh, well. Isn’t that what Tuesdays are for?) I’ve adhered to many of these rules for a while now, and I figured they were common knowledge. But the more I travel, the more I realize that they most certainly aren’t. So please forgive the obviousness…

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WTF Weds: First Class Cat

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Sep 12, 2012

– Growing up, we had a cat. You know what? That statement isn’t quite accurate. We actually had several cats. But there was one cat that sort of stood out from the rest. A spry little calico with markings that I still remember by heart: one eye was rimmed in black, the other in orange,…

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